If your wondering Who the heck is cool dude?
This is cool Dude!
Cool Dude is the Coolest Dude ever!
Hes so cool, he got his own DAMN WEBSITE!
He is the worlds coolest Magican cause of his cool af tophat
Here is some facts about him.
- He is 19
- He has a cool ass hairdo hidden underneath his hat.
- He is a expert in dank memes
- He owns his own blimp and stadium
- He is buds with Bambi.
- His favorite YouTuber is AquaticNeptune and GliderYTP(CHECK THEM OUT OR I CUT YOUR ENTIRE BLOODLINE!)
- His favorite Games Are Angry Birds, Minceraft, and Baldis Basics PLUS(and also fnf)
- His favorite FNF Mods are "vs dave and bambi" "da ketudin mod", and "litteraly ever fnf mod"
- He is god.
- He has their own fucking cult and religon
- He knows your IP Address